The 1st status conference of the BMBF funding measure "CO2 as a sustainable source of carbon - Pathways to industrial applications - CO2-WIN" will take place on June 8/9, 2021.
We would like to invite you to join the online-event. Get insights about the latest developments of the funded projects on CO2-utilization and learn what we can expect in the short and long term!
The conference language is english, the participation is free of charge.
8 June 2021, 10.00 am - 04.00 pm CEST
10.00 - 10.10 Welcome
Dr. Vera Grimm, BMBF
10.10 - 10.30 Keynote - Why do we need to transform the industry?
Prof. Dr. Claudia Kemfert, Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung e.v. (DIW)
CO2-mineralisation - A tangible path for reducing GHG emissions
10.30 - 10.50 Keynote on CO2-mineralisation - Scaling pathways to defossilation
Sophia Hamblin Wang, Mineral Carbonation International (MCi)
10.50 - 11.00 Break
11.00 - 12.00 CO2-WIN funded projects on CO2-mineralisation
C2inCO2 -Calcium Carbonation for industrial use of CO2
Dr. Jan Skocek, HeidelbergCement AG (download presentation)
NuKos -Utilization of carbon dioxide in slags from steel and metal production
David Algermissen, FEhS-Institut für Baustoff-Forschung e.V. (download presentation)
CO2LiPriSek -Carbonation of lithium-containing primary and secondary
raw materials using CO2
Dr. Doreen Kaiser, TU Bergakademie Freiberg (download presentation)
12.00 - 12.30 Panel discussion on CO2-mineralisation
12.30 - 01.30 Lunch break
How do we produce sustainable chemicals and plastics in the future, and when does the future start? Answers from industry-driven projects
01.30 - 01.50 Keynote on chemical conversion of CO2
Can CO2 be the raw material for fuels and chemicals in the future?
Prof. Eelco T. C. Vogt, University of Utrecht
01.50 - 03.00 CO2-WIN funded projects on chemical conversion of CO2
PhasKat - Phase-pure electrocatalysts and adjustment of condtions
regarding the reduction of CO2
Dr. Wiebke Sarfert-Gast, Siemens Gas and Power GmBH & Co. KG
HTCoEl - Compact synthesis gas generation by high-temperature
Oliver Posdziech, Sunfire GmbH (download presentation)
PlasCO2 - Plasma-induced generation of carbon monoxide from
carbon dioxide and its chemical utilization
Dr. Marc Oliver Kristen, Evonik (download presentation)
ProMet - CO2 to propylene via eMethanol
Dr. Katja Weichert, Covestro AG (download presentation)
03.00 - 03.10 Break
03.10 - 03.30 r+Imlus project DreamResourceConti
Marina Sebastian, Covestro AG (download presentation)
03.30 - 04.00 Panel discussion on chemical conversion of CO2
04.00 End of day one
9 June 2021, 11.00 am - 04.00 pm CEST
11.00 - 11.05 Welcome CO2-WIN Connect
How can biotechnology contribute to CO2-utilization?
11.05 - 12.00 CO2-WIN projects on biotechnological conversion of CO2
Bio-UGS - Biological conversion of carbon dioxide and hydrogen to methane
Dipl.-Ing. Hagen Bültemeier, DBI Gas- und Umwelttechnik GmbH
Transformate - Combinded process for production of the biopolymer PHB
and crotonic acid
Dr. Frank Kensy, b.fab GmbH (download presentation)
GAMES - Gas diffusion electrodes for coupled microbial electrochemical
syntheses from CO2
Prof. Dirk Holtmann, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (download presentation)
Scientific support and outreach
12.00 - 12.20 Results from the networking and transfer project CO2-WIN Connect
Norms and Standards
Dr. Christian Goroncy and Sönke Nissen, DIN e.V. (download presentation)
CO2-utilization in the media
Dr. Barbara Olfe-Kräutlein, IASS (download presentation)
12.20 - 12.30 CO2-WIN project on direct air capture
CORA -CO2-capture from air for power-to-X processes for sector coupling
Dr. Ulrich Zuberbühler, ZSW (download presentation)
12.30 - 01.30 Lunch break
Ready for the future - Step by step or leap innovation?
01.30 - 01.50 Keynote: How to make sutainable fuels and chemicals using sunlight and
carbon dioxide in a circular ecomony
Prof. Erwin Reisner, University of Cambridge (download presentation)
01.50 - 02.50 CO2-WIN funded projects on electro- and photocatalysis
Depecor -Direct efficient photoelectrocatalytic CO2-reduction
Prof. Thomas Hannappel, TU Ilmenau (download presentation)
Prodigy -Process development in gas-solid photocatalytic CO2-reduction
Prof. Jennifer Strunk, LIKAT e.V.
CO2SIMO -Photoelectrochemical CO2-reduction with simultaneous oxidative
raw material production
Dr. Sven Albrecht, TANIOBIS GmbH (download presentation)
02.50 - 03.00 Break
03.00 - 03.20 Technology assessment on artificial photosynthesis
Andrei Barascu, DECHEMA e.V., M.Sc. Simon Kaiser, University of Kassel
(download presentation DECHEMA); (download presentation Uni Kassel)
03.20 - 03.50 Panel discussion on electro- and photocatalysis
03.50 - 04.00 Closing remarks
Dr. Vera Grimm, BMBF
04.00 End of conference