Upcoming events

17.-21. JUN 2024

ICCDU XXI (2024) - 21st International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization

Dalian City (Liaoning Province), China

The 21st ICCDU will take place in the Shangri-La Hotel in Dalian City (Liaoning Province) in China. ICCDU is the premier conference in the global research community of CO2 utilization including CO2 capture and CO2 conversion, CO2 utilization without conversion and emerging topics related to hydrogen energy, climate change, as well as and techno-economical and policy aspects.

The deadline for submission of abstracts is February 28, 2024.

17.-18. APR 2024

CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2024

Hybrid / Cologne, Germany

The CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals Conference is one of internationally established and has developed into a unique meeting and networking place for the entire Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) and Power-to-X industry and its customers. The upcoming 12th edition of this conference again will continue with this success and will showcase again the newest and most important developments in the fast growing field of CO2 capture and utilisation.

Previous events

28. - 29. SEP 2023

Final conference of the BMBF funding measure "CO2WIN: CO2 as a sustainable carbon source - Pathways to industrial application".

Berlin, Germany

The final conference of the funding measure CO2WIN will take place on September 28-29, 2023.

In this event the funded projects will come together and present their final results. Save the date and join us to discuss about the developed innovations and further collaboration possibilities.

We are already working intensively on the planning of the event and will be able to provide more details for you soon.

24. - 29. SEP 2023

11th International Freiberg Conference on Circular Carbon Technologies

Rotterdam, Netherlands

The call for abstracts is open for oral and poster presentations. Deadline for abstract submission is April 30, 2023.

25. - 29. JUN 2023

ICCDU 2023 - 20th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization


Bari, Italy

In 2023, the 20th Internatinoal Conference on Carbon Dioxise Utilization will take place in Bari, Italy. For nearly thirty years, the ICCDU has provided a global meeting place for chemists, engineers, and environmental policy planners to come together and discuss the latest developments in the field of CO2 capture and utilization.

28. May - 02. Jun

Gordon Research Conference on CCUS: Transformative Science for the New Carbon Economy

Les Diablerets, VD, Switzerland

This fifth edition of the Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) addresses the transformative science required to establish a new carbon economy. Application deadline is April 30, 2023.

23.-25. May 2023

The Renewable Materials Conference 2023

Hybrid / Siegburg(Cologne), Germany

The unique concept of presenting all renewable material solutions at one event hits the mark: bio-based, CO2-based and recycled are the only alternatives to fossil-based chemicals and materials.

19.-20. Apr 2023

nova “Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals” 2023

Hybrid / Cologne, Germany

This 10th Nova conference will once again bring together stakeholders from the fields of CO2 utilization and PtX and be a venue for stimulating discussions.

03. Nov 2022

US/German workshop series on artificial photosynthesis - Season 2 Session 2 (Poster Session)


Topic: Poster session for early career resarchers

In the 2nd session of season 2 of our series, you can look forward to a poster session with lots of discussion potential and insights into the latest results of research on artificial photosynthesis. Join us and announce your poster by October 25, 2022. Details on the registration and poster submission process can be found in the link below.

19. - 20. OCT 2022

Carbon Capture Technology Europe Expo

CO2 utilization and storage, 19. - 20. Oktober 2022, Live-Event in Bremen, Germany

This combined exhibition and conference is one of the leading events in the field of CCUS. In the course of this 2-day event, one can get in touch with european experts from industry or attend the conference program adressing CCUS.

06. Oct 2022

US/German workshop series on artificial photosynthesis - Season 2 Session 1


Topic: High-throughput experiments and computation

As announced in spring, with the beginning of fall, we will continue the online workshop series on artificial photosynthesis again! We are looking forward to welcome you at the workshop and hope for fruitful discussions!  

26. - 30. JUN 2022

ICCDU 2022 - 19th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization


In 2022, the 19th Internatinoal Conference on Carbon Dioxise Utilization will take place at the Princeton University. For nearly thirty years, the ICCDU has provided a global meeting place for chemists, engineers, and environmental policy planners to come together and discuss the latest developments in the field of CO2 capture and utilization.

14. - 15. JUN 2022

Carbon Capture Technology North America Expo

CO2 utilization and storage, 14th - 15th of June 2022, Live-Event in Houston, USA

This combined exhibition and conference addresses trends and developments in the field of CO2 utilization and storage. In the course of this 2-day event, the participent can get in touch with industrial experts or attend the conference program.

11. - 12. May 2022

From CO2 to Materials with the Power of Microbes


Topic: Utilizing microbes

This online conference is hosted by the three EFB divisions on the 11th and 12th of May. This conference adresses microbial assimilation of C1 substrates (e.g. CO2 or methanol) as well as microbial conversion of these substrates to materials such as fuels, chemicals or polymers. Additionally, technological aspects such as the scale-up are part of the conference program.

03. May 2022

US/German workshop series on artificial photosynthesis - Session 11


Topic: Integrated Solar Fuel Generators: From Particles to Panels

Topics to be covered in presentations and the panel discussion will include (i) the status of integrated solar fuels-generating devices, (ii) key challenges or bottlenecks that currently limit translation of today's leading device concepts to large-scale pilot and commercial demonstrations, (iii) key materials research needs that would be most useful for overcoming device/plant level bottlenecks, and (iv.) the need for continued innovation at the device level.

3.-8. APR 2022

CCUS Gordon research conference: Permanently Removing CO2 from Our Emissions and Atmosphere 

CO2 utilization, 3rd - 8th of April 2022, Live-Event in Ventura, USA

The fourth installation of the CCUS Gordon research conference examines topics with respect to decarbonisation. Therein, topics are adressed such as remaining challenges of CCUS or the application of CO2 recycling.

Application information: Currently, this conference is oversubscribed. However, you may still apply for this meeting. In case an already registered participant cancels, your application may still be considered.

05. Apr 2022

US/German workshop series on artificial photosynthesis - Session 10


Topic: Mechanistic aspects in photocatalysis

Mecanistic aspects in photocatalysis a important in research activites for artificial photosynthesis. On Aril the 5th, five experts in the field will explain the topic a provide a deeper understanding of the processes.

29. - 31. MAR 2022

AAPG: Carbon, Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) Conference

CO2 utilization and storage, 29th - 31st of March 2022, Live-Event in Houston, USA

This conference is hosted by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG). Amongst the themes of this conference are subsurface storage of CO2, CO2 enhanced hydrocarbon storage as well as monitoring or risk assesment.




23-24 Mar 2022

Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals 2022


This hybrid event takes place in Cologne , from 23-24 March 2022.

The conference is one of the most established worldwide and has developed into a unique meeting and networking place for the entire Carbon Capture & Utilisation (CCU) and Power-to-X industry and its customers. 

Organizer: nova-Institut GmbH

01 Mar 2022

US/German workshop series on artificial photosynthesis - Session 9


Topic: Charge carrier dynamics in artificial photosynthesis

A deeper understanding of charge carrier dynamics in artificial photosynthesis must consider the interactions of all charge carriers - in the photo-absorber, at the interfaces, in the electrolyte, comprising catalysts and the critical solid-liquid interface. This workshop addresses aspects of different processes and timescales relevant in artificial photosynthesis.

01 Feb 2022

US/German workshop series on artificial photosynthesis - Session 8


Topic: Interface engineering of semiconductors for photoelectrochemical cells

The topic of the the eighth session of the workshop series on Artificial Photosynthesis is the interface engineering of semiconductors for photoelectrochemical cells. The session will be chaired and moderated by Prof. Shane Ardo (University of California, Irvine, US) and Prof. Wolfram Jägermann (TU Darmstadt, DE).

07 Dec 2021

US/German workshop series on artificial photosynthesis - Session 7


Topic: Winter Poster Session 2021 on Artificial Photosynthesis

For the last session in 2021 of the Workshop Series on Artificial Photosynthesis we are aiming to set up a poster session. Therefore we plan to switch the platform to gather.town, which will give us the opportunity for a familiar and close networking with bi- and multi-lateral discussions. We invite you to join as a presenter or participant.

More info on the poster submission workflow and the deadline will be published in due time.

16 NOV 2021

GeCatS Infoday "CO2-Neutral Chemical Industry"

The GeCats Info Day will address several topics in the field of emerging catalytic technologies with the goal of achieving a CO2-neutral chemical industry. The lectures will first introduce a recent study by the German Chemical Industry Association (Verband der Chemischen Industrie, VCI) about different scenarios. Further talks will highlight different approaches investigated by industry as well as academia. Tools for measuring eco-efficiency will be discussed as well.

8-9 Nov 2021

CDCC 21 - 2nd Carbon Dioxide Conversion Catalysis Conference


The second Carbon Dioxide Conversion Catalysis (CDCC-2) will gather academic and industrial experts focusing on the catalytic conversion of carbon dioxide into value-added products.

The conference will feature several relevant topics dealing with either heterogeneous, homogeneous or hybrid forms of catalytic solutions for the production of fine chemicals, pharmaceuticals, polymers and energy vectors.

The topical areas of the conference include new and improved synthesis of CO2-based polymers, heterocyclic synthesis, photocatalytic & electrocatalytic conversions, energy storage using CO2, new recycling strategies, new catalyst developments, biobased synthesis based on CO2, mechanistic analysis of CO2 processes and industrially relevant CO2 conversions.

02 Nov 2021

US/German workshop series on artificial photosynthesis - Session 6


Topic: Linking Theory and Experiment in Artificial Photosynthesis

In the sixth session of the workshop series on Artificial Photosynthesis we return to the format "Keynote Lecture and Panel Discussion" and welcome Prof. Dr. Vera Krewald and Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kramm, both from the TU Dortmund. From the American side we are looking forward to Prof. Dr. Kyoung-Shin Choi (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Prof. Dr. Giulia Galli (University of Chicago | Argonne National Laboratory).

The session will be chaired and moderated by Dr. Frances Houle (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) and Prof. Dr. Stefanie Gräfe (University of Jena).

27-28 OCT 2021

17th Carbon Dioxide Utilization Summit

Brussels, Belgium

This ACI event in Brussels (Belgium) presents current and future initiatives and projects in the field of CO2 utilization. Participants can learn about the possibilities of partnerships in industrial clusters, best practice examples in the field of LCA and regulatory developments. The day before, i.e., on October 26, a tour of ArcelorMittal's Steelanol plant in Ghent (Belgium) will take place.

24-29 OCT 2021

Gordon Research Conference CCUS - Permanently Removing CO2 from Our Emissions and Atmosphere

Newry, Maine, US

In this fourth installation of the CCUS Gordon Research Conference series,  the new science and approached needed to achieve a safe decarbonisation shall be presented and discussed. The interdisciplinary conference seeks to stimulate discussions of cutting-edge questions between experienced and young scientists inspired by the natural landscape surrounding the conference venue in Newry (Maine, US).

Applications for this meeting must be submitted by September 26, 2021. 

24-26 OCT 2021

G-STIC – Combat Climate Change

Dubai, UAE

The G-STIC climate sessions will explore climate change challenges and possibilities for accelerating both its mitigation and our adaptation to it. The various sessions will look into governance, economic measures and financing for implementing adaptation options that help achieve the UN Sustainable Delopment Goals.

20-21 OCT 2021

Carbon Capture Technology Expo

Bremen, Germany

Carbon Capture Technology Expo Europe is dedicated to discussing the increasing role that Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage (CCUS) will play in transition to a net-zero carbon economy. Leading experts from around the world will discuss the latest advances in new technology for carbon capture, storage and transport, as well as unique ways of utilizing CO2 to produce net-zero fuels and for other manufacturing processes.

05 Oct 2021

US/German workshop series on artificial photosynthesis - Session 5


Topic: Advanced characterization techniques, instrumentation and user facilities

In the 5th session of our workshop series on artificial photosynthesis there will be two talks of each 30 min given by Prof. Dr. Robert Schlögl (Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion - MPI-CEC | Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max Planck Society - FHI-MPG) and Dr. Junko Yano (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - LBNL | Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis - JCAP)

The session will be chaired by Prof. Dr. Lin X. Chen (Northwestern University | Argonne National Laboratory - ANL) and Prof. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya (Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max Planck Society - FHI-MPG).

21-30 Sep 2021

2nd CataLight Young Scientist Symposium (CYSS)


The CataLight Young Scientist Symposium (CYSS) is an annual conference aimed at researchers in an early career stage in the field of light-driven catalysis and related fields. The CYSS will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 21st and 30th September 2021. 

See the programme, the format and the invited speakers by clicking the link below.

15 Sep 2021

CO2SMOS (EU Project) - 1st Stakeholder Event


The Horizon 2020 EU project "CO2SMOS - Advanced chemicals production from biogenic CO2 emissions for circular bio-based industries" aims to develop a platform of technologies to transform the carbon emissions generated by bio-based industries into a set a of high added-value chemicals with direct use as intermediates for bio-based products. These molecules will be validated as renewable CO2-based commodities for the formulation of high-performance biopolymers and renewable chemicals.

This 1st Stakeholder Event aims at all stakeholder along the value chain intends to publicly present the project, its objectives and the expected benefits of CO2SMOS CO2-to-Chemicals Platform concept.

More info, agenda and registration in the link below.

07 Sep 2021

US/German workshop series on artificial photosynthesis - Session 4


Topic: Inorganic electrocatalysts

The fourth session of our workshop series on artificial photosynthesis will be chaired by Prof. Dr. Daniel Esposito (Columbia University) and Prof. Dr. Ian Sharp (TU München). Look forward to contributions from Prof. Aleksandra Vojvodic (University of Pennsylvania), Prof. Thomas Jaramillo (Stanford University), Prof. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya (Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max-Planck-Society) and Prof. Holger Dau (Freie Universität Berlin).

03 Aug 2021

US/German workshop series on artificial photosynthesis - Session 3


Topic: Bio-based, bio-inspired & bio-hybrid systems

The third session of the workshop series on artificial photosynthesis will focus on biologic and biotechnologic approaches in the field of artificial photosynthesis.

The session chaired by Prof. Dr. Gary Brudvig (Yale University) and Prof. Dr. Matthias Beller (LIKAT Rostock), is set up as a panel discussion to foster a lively interaction between the audience and the panelists.

We warmly invite you to join us online on August 03.

18. - 22. JUL 2021

ICCDU 2021 - 18th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization


The ICCDU XVIII was to take place in South Korea from 19 to 23 July 2020. However, due to the Corona pandemic, the event has been postponed until 18 to 22 July 2021. Further information on the new event date, registration and programme can be found on the event website.

29. Jun 2021


US/German workshop series on artificial photosynthesis - Session 2

Topic: Light Energy Converters for Artificial Leafs

The second session of the workshop series on artificial photosyntheisis will address and compare different absorber structures and the involved processes, perspectives and limitations for the optimized formation of the electrochemical potential difference of electrons and holes with maximized photocurrent.

Talks will be given by Prof. Thomas Hannappel and Prof. Matthias Beller from Germany and by Prof. Joel Ager and Prof. James Mayer from the US.

16. Jun 2021

Joint Ventures on CO2-based plastics for consumer products

Learn more about the cooperations along the value chain in the field of CCU! At the workshop, representatives from different stages of the value chain will talk about their experiences.

8.-9. Jun 2021

1st Status conference of the BMBF funding measure CO2-WIN

On June 8th/9th, 2021, the 1st status conference of the BMBF funding measure CO2-WIN will take place. During the digital event, the 14 funded projects will be presented and the first results discussed.

25. Mai 2021

Kick-off US/German workshop series on artificial photosynthesis

Learn more about the state of the art of artificial photosynthesis! At the workshop, high level experts from the US and Geramny will set scene to enable a continuous exchange on various aspects that can bring those processes from lab to demonstration.

7. - 9. Apr 2021

RSC Faraday Discussion on Carbon Dioxide Utilisation

In April 2021, the Royal Society of Chemistry hosts a Faraday Discussion on CO2 use. The Faraday Discussion format has been in existence for over 100 years and is aimed primarily at scientists and doctoral students. Further information about the event as well as an explanatory video on the history of the traditional Faraday Discussion can be found on the event's website.

23.-24. MAR 2021

9th Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals

The conference is one of the oldest and most established worldwide and has developed into a unique meeting place for the entire Carbon Capture & Utilisation (CCU) and Power-to-X industry and its customers. The first day will focus on CO2-based transport and aviation fuels, the second on CO2-based bulk and fine chemicals. CCU technologies are essential to meet the future demand for carbon from renewable sources. Take a look into the near future and exchange ideas with the leading pioneers.

25. MAR 2021

Sustainable Plastics: Joining CCU, Circular Economy and Power-to-X for better Polymers (Final Stakeholder Event of the Horizon2020 projects Carbon4PUR & CO2EXIDE)


The two European Horizon2020 research and innovation projects Carbon4PUR and CO2EXIDE invite you to their final joint presentation of R&D results on renewable production routes towards polyurethanes and ethylene oxide derivatives. The event will focus on CO/CO2 as raw materials for sustainable chemistry, suggests a pan-European approach to a global challenge and will be framed by contributions and statements of the European Commission, experts from science and industry, and board members of the industrial partners.

The event will take place online and is free of charge. View the programme and register at the link below.

15. DEC 2020

Mineralisation - How to Trap CO2 in Useful Rocks

Mineralisation of CO2, also known as carbonation, is a Carbon Capture & Utilisation (CCU) technology. In this process, CO2 captured from industrial emissions or directly from the air reacts with calcium- and magnesium-rich materials (e.g. originating from construction and demolition waste, steel slags, incineration by-products) to produce valuable products, like construction materials, where CO2 is stably sequestered. It is therefore a process with a major climate change mitigation potential, all the while promoting waste management approaches based on the circular economy principle.

CO2 Value Europe organises a workshop where its pioneer members Carbon8 Systems, VITO, Orbix and Mitsubishi Corporation will present current developments in CO2 mineralisation based on real-life applications (e.g. CO2-based construction aggregates, pavements, concrete). Prof. Andre Bardow (ETH Zürich) will explain how mineralisation can contribute to climate change mitigation from a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) perspective. Current priorities towards a regulatory framework that will acknowledge and support the role of CO2 mineralisation will be adressed.

The event is virtual.

19. - 20. Nov 2020

Hydrogen Technology Conf & Expo und Carbon Capture Technology Conf & Expo

The conference Hydrogen Technology and Carbon Capture Technology will deal with two topics that are of great relevance for a future "low-carbon economy". One of the topics will be the hurdles in water and fuel cell technologies in the realisation of a sustainable energy transition. Representatives of different industrial sectors are invited to discuss the problems of production, storage and infrastructure of hydrogen technologies. At the same time, the Carbon Capture Technology Conference will provide information on the use and storage of emissions. The topics of a more sustainable use of raw materials and the possible integration of CO2 into the intended recycling economy will also be discussed.

15. - 20. Nov 2020

AIChE 2020 Annual General Meeting

The annual AIChE meeting in San Francisco invites chemical engineers to exchange information on innovations and developments in chemical engineering.  Among other things, the meeting is intended to provide information and discussion about plastics production and measures for the management of plastic waste.

18. NOV 2020

CO2 Carbonation as a Pathway for a Sustainable Cement Industry?

The webinar of the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies in Potsdam introduces the topic of CO2 mineralization, discusses with the participants the political context of such technologies and presents research results from the BMBF project CO2MIN.  

28. OCT 2020

Technology Forum „New Liquid Energy Carriers“

Science and technology are already getting climate protection moving with "green molecules" in many projects and pilot plants - from road traffic to shipping and in the heating market. And more than ever before, companies are planning to break completely new ground. How do we get from strategy to practice? The "Technology Forum - New Liquid Energy Sources" aims to provide impulses and intensify the dialogue with decision-makers and experts in the energy sector across industries and sectors.

28. OCT 2020

Circular Economy – Market Acceptance Through Knowledge and Technology Transfer

The conference is dedicated to the circular economy and deals with the question what is necessary to establish solutions in the market.

27.-28. OCT 2020

Digital Conference "Industrial Technologies 2020"

Industrial technologies play a key role in the European industry. They provide essential foundations for the competitiveness of the European Union, shape all sectors of the economy and contribute to the solution of societal challenges and a sustainable future. The digital conference “Industrial Technologies 2020 – Transition to Sustainable Prosperity” will take place under the auspices of the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

27.-28. OCT 2020

3rd Carbon2Chem Conference

At the conference in Berlin the achieved goals and upcoming challenges of the Carbon2Chem project will be presented.

27. OCT 2020

Expert forum "Emission Trading" 2020

In view of the ongoing Corona pandemic, Europe is facing major challenges, which also affect European emissions trading. With the Green Deal, the EU Commission is promoting the reconciliation of the reduction of climate-relevant gases with the economic challenges. What options are there for resolving this conflict of objectives? This year's VDI Expert Forum will discuss this issue with the experts concerned.

27. OCT 2020

Webinar: All about RC(I) - Discussing the Renewable Carbon Strategy and Initiative

In this webinar, the Renewable Carbon Initiative will introduce herself and answer questions about strategy and planned activities.

20./27. OCT 2020

Dechema Virtual Talks: CO2- Management for the Process Industries

During the one hour Virtual Talks on 20 and 27 October, experts from Germany and the Netherlands will inform about different CO2 management strategies in the chemical industry.

25. Aug 2020

Virtual CO2 "Site" Seeing World Tour

CO2 Utilization, Direct Air Capture

DECHEMA brings you virtually to five of the most advanced and well known CCU plants in the world. DECHEMA’s so-called CCU Summer Special on 25th August 2020 will give the participants the opportunity to virtually visit those plants on three different continents in less than five and a half hours and meet with experts from all over the world for a virtual roundtable.

17. Jul 2018

Final Conference EU H2020 Project "CarbonNext"

CO2-Utilisation, 17th July 2018, Brussels, Belgium

CarbonNext evaluates the potential use of CO2/CO as carbon-feedstock for the process industry in Europe. Learn more about the whole carbon value chain – from mapping of CO/CO2 all over Europe, identified processes and products where alternative carbon sources can be used – and get in touch with an interdisciplinary network of CCU stakeholders.

More information will be available soon.  

17. - 18. Apr 2018

1. Status conference BMBF Funding measure CO2Plus

CO2 Utilization, 17th -18th April 2018, Berlin, Kalkscheune

Save the date! On 17th and 18th April 2018, the 1st status conference of the BMBF funding measure CO2Plus will take place in the Kalkscheune in Berlin. The 13 funded projects will be presented and the first results will be discussed. The conference language will be German.

The programme and access to the application form will be published at a later date.

16.-17. May 2018

CO2 Reuse Summit

CO2 Utilisation, 16.-17. May 2018, Zurich, Switzerland

CO2 Reuse Summit, taking place on 16-17 May 2018 in Zurich, will bring together major stakeholders from the industry to highlight latest developments related to carbon utilization. We will discuss key challenges and opportunities when it comes to technology, economics or regulation. We invite you to join your peers for 2 days of interactive presentations, case studies and networking sessions. Get involved in building the decarbonized society.

27.-23. Aug 2018

16th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilisation

CO2 Utilisation, 27. - 30. August 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The main focus of the conference is "Sustainability through CO2 Utilization" and will encompasses six topics: Thermal and Catalytic Conversion of CO2 into Fuels and Chemicals; CO2 Conversion by Electrochemical, Photochemical, Plasma-Induced and other non-Conventional Energy Sources; CO2 Conversion by Biotechnological Routes; CO2 Capture Processes; CO2 as Working Agent; Policies, Regulations, Life Cycle Analysis, Economic, Environmental and Social Aspects of Sustainable CO2 Utilization.

17. February

AAAS Meeting 2019 - Carbon Dioxide Utilization (CCU): An Opportunity to Tackle Climate Change

CCU, 17th February, Washington, USA

Tackling the root cause of climate change requires a significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, of which Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is the most prominent.

CCU converts waste CO2 into sustainable everyday products such as fuels, chemicals and materials. This is a prime example of a circular economy.

This session will provide a forum for exploring the opportunities and challenges of CCU.


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